Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to our new website


Auckland Libraries benefits directly from the Trust's work. AHLT has funded scholarships administered by the University of Auckland on behalf of the Auckland History Initiative.

​In recent years AHLT has received donations and funding from a number of personal benefactors, the Maureen Raison Charitable Trust, the Ohinerangi Charitable Trust, the Chisolm Whitney Family Charitable Trust and the estate of John Stacpoole. 

ALHT is grateful to heritage specialists from Auckland Libraries and to Auckland Council for administrative support.

Image: James D. Richardson. Portrait of James Tannock Mackelvie. Mackelvie (1824–1885) gifted artworks and rare books to Auckland. 

Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections, 4-1343

Dave Cameron's
boxing and wrestling collection

Funding from the Auckland Library Heritage Trust paid for wrestling historian Steve Ogilvie to arrange, describe and index an astonishing gift made by Dave and Shirley Cameron. 

Take a look at this video from Auckland Libraries:

Going West archive

In June 2024, the Going West Archive Project obtained a Lotteries Heritage grant of $46,000 to digitise and make available online 25 years' worth of materials relating to the Going West Festival. One third ($23,000) of the total cost of this project was committed by the Auckland Library Heritage Trust as a basis for the Going West Trust's application to Lotteries.

The chair of the Going West Trust wrote to ALHT:

'Our heartfelt thanks for that support and for your patience in holding that grant through the many months it took for us to apply successfully.' 

In September 2024, Libraries reported to the Trust that arrangement and description of the collection is progressing smoothly. The digitised archive will be added to Kura Heritage Collections Online.

Funding metadata

In 2022, AHLT made funding available for Tūrama Resources Ltd to apply Māori subject headings to photographs with Māori subject matter that are included in Kura Heritage Collections Online. The mahi includes training library staff in this work. Quality metadata improves access to Māori heritage content, particularly for researchers working in te ao Māori. Click the image below to see an example of a record (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1572-0854).